Basic Contact Lens Care

Photo: “January 8 – 15, 2011” by Victor Martinez, c/o Flickr. Some Rights Reserved

Although I’m also do online selling on the side, one thing I don’t sell is contact lenses.  That’s because I am well aware of the risks of contact lenses.

Let me qualify that.  I think contact lenses are a great invention, especially for people with high error of refraction.  However, many people who use contact lenses DO NOT know how to manage them, but if you are in need of glasses you can go to an eye care center to make a Visit to the Eye Doctor to find the best solution for you.

What’s worse is that there are now people who wear cosmetic contact lenses without bothering to understand how to take care of it, because people always want to look the best they can, and that’s why they get braces or plastic surgeries, from sites as to improve how their body looks.

Boosting Testosterone Naturally for Muscle Gain

Regular exercise, especially resistance training, is a key factor in naturally increasing testosterone production. When you engage in activities like weightlifting or high-intensity interval training (HIIT), your body responds by releasing more testosterone. This hormone plays a crucial role in muscle growth and repair, making it essential for those looking to make gains.

In addition to exercise, maintaining a balanced diet is vital for supporting natural testosterone production. Certain foods have been shown to increase testosterone levels, while others can inhibit its production. To maximize your gains and optimize hormone levels, it’s important to consume a healthy diet that includes the following:

Sufficient Protein: Protein is the building block of muscles and plays a critical role in muscle growth. Make sure you’re getting enough protein from sources like lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, legumes, and tofu.

Healthy Fats: Including healthy fats in your diet can also help boost testosterone levels. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon, avocados, nuts, and seeds are excellent choices.

Essential Nutrients: Certain vitamins and minerals are essential for testosterone production. Zinc is particularly important as it has been linked to increased testosterone levels. You can find zinc in foods like oysters, beef, pumpkin seeds, and spinach.

While exercise and nutrition are crucial factors in boosting testosterone naturally for muscle gain, other lifestyle choices also play a role. Adequate sleep is vital as research has shown that lack of sleep can lead to decreased testosterone levels. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night to support optimal hormone function.

Stress management is another important consideration. Chronic stress can lead to elevated cortisol levels which can interfere with testosterone production. Engaging in stress-reducing activities such as meditation or yoga can help keep cortisol levels in check.

Certain lifestyle choices can negatively impact testosterone levels. Excessive alcohol consumption has been shown to decrease testosterone production, so it’s important to moderate your intake. Managing weight is also crucial as excess body fat has been linked to lower testosterone levels.

Significance of Testosterone in Driving Muscle Growth

In conclusion, testosterone plays a crucial role in driving muscle growth. As we discussed, it is not only responsible for increasing muscle mass but also improving strength and performance during resistance exercise. Understanding the physiological effects of testosterone on the body can help you optimize your workouts and achieve better results.

To make the most out of your testosterone levels, consider incorporating resistance training into your fitness routine. Focus on compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, and bench presses that engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously. Ensure you’re getting enough restful sleep and maintaining a balanced diet rich in protein to support muscle growth

Some of the things you have to do when you are a contact lens wearer are pretty easy.

  • Don’t share contact lenses.  There are some people — especially those who do not have any error of refraction but simply wear contact lenses to change the color of their eyes– who share their contact lenses with friends in order to save.  This is not like a T-shirt or a blouse that you can lend to other people.  Treat contact lenses like you would treat your intimate wear.  To lower the risk of the infection you can easily get 1 day trueye lenses to ensure that you have perfect vision.
  • Don’t go to bed with your contact lenses on.  While there are newer contact lenses which are very oxygen permeable AND comfortable, so much so that it doesn’t hurt when you sleep with them, it’s still not a good idea to actually go to bed with them.  Most infections that we see involve people sleeping with their contact lenses on.  So, to be on the side of safety, do remove your contact lenses before you retire for the night and disinfect them well before putting them on in the morning.
  • Have a pair of glasses as backup.  I’m pretty surprised when my patients say that they do not wear glasses and do not even have a backup since they started wearing contact lenses.  What if they lost their contact lenses?  Or for some reason, they can’t wear their contact lenses?  Especially if the vision without correction is really bad, and that’s thy having a pair of eyeglasses is a good backup, even more since you can get Eyeglasses Online pretty easy now a days.
  • Use your lubricant.  There’s a reason why it’s included in the starter kit.  Contact lens users are prone to dryness, resulting to occasional redness or stinging sensation.

Other tips:

  • After taking out your contact lens from the container that it’s been soaking in, throw away the solution that’s in the container and dry the container.  At the end of the day, you can use the container again with a fresh batch of solution.  Do not reuse the solution, as much as possible.  That’s because the solution may already be contaminated with microbes that may cause problems on your eyes.
  • Try to store your contact lens, the containers and the solution in your bedroom or somewhere else cleaner than the bathroom.  The bathroom is a source of microbes which might infect your contact lenses and accessories.
  • If you get eye irritation or infection, stop using your contact lenses and have yourself checked so that the proper management can be instituted promptly.  This is where your backup eyeglasses will come in handy.
  • Take “contact lens holidays” once in a while. :)
  • Buy your contact lenses from reputable retailers.  Especially those who can teach you to when to wear and how handle them properly. To guide you on this, be sure to go to a professional optometrist and eye doctor.

So there!  Contact lenses are not really bad.  People just need to take care of them (and their eyes) more or get help from a plastic surgeon like  It’s sad that most complications that we get are actually preventable if only proper care were instituted.

Phen: Best Weight Loss Pills for Women

Phen is widely regarded as one of the best weight loss pills for women in 2023. With its unique formula and powerful ingredients, it has gained a reputation for delivering effective results. Let’s dive into why Phen stands out from the crowd.

Unique Formula Targeting Multiple Aspects of Weight Loss

One of the key reasons why Phen is considered exceptional is its unique formula that targets multiple aspects of weight loss. Unlike other weight loss pills, Phen combines different ingredients to provide comprehensive support on various fronts. It addresses not only fat burning but also appetite suppression and metabolism boosting.

The combination of ingredients in Phen ensures that your body receives the necessary support to shed excess pounds effectively. For example, Xenical, a component found in Phen, aids in blocking the absorption of dietary fats, helping you reduce calorie intake. This mechanism plays a crucial role in achieving sustainable weight loss read this article

Boosts Metabolism and Suppresses Appetite Effectively

Phen24 Day, another component of Phen, works wonders. A faster metabolism allows your body to burn calories more efficiently throughout the day, even during periods of rest or low activity levels. By increasing your metabolic rate, Phen helps you achieve weight loss goals faster.

Phen contains natural appetite suppressants that help control cravings and reduce overeating tendencies. This can be especially beneficial for women who struggle with emotional eating or find it challenging to resist unhealthy snacks. The combination of increased metabolism and reduced appetite creates an ideal environment for successful weight loss.