FAQs about Glaucoma

It’s World Glaucoma Week!  This is established to mainly raise awareness of this disease.

Glaucoma is a disease of the eye that is largely mysterious to the general population, even if it is the second leading cause of blindness in the world.

Quality and Craftsmanship in Replica Watches

Challenges of Replicating Rolex Quality
Uncovering the difficulties in reproducing the high-quality standards set by Rolex.

Materials Used in Replica Watches
Discussing the materials commonly used in crafting replica watches and their impact on quality.

Variability in Replica Watch Quality
Highlighting the inconsistency in quality among different replica Rolex watches.

How to Identify a Replica Rolex
Key Differences Between Genuine and Replica Rolex Watches
Providing insights into the subtle differences that distinguish genuine Rolex watches from their replicas.

Tips for Spotting a Fake Rolex
Guiding readers on how to identify replica Rolex watches through visual cues and details.

The Importance of Authentication
Emphasizing the significance of authenticating Rolex watches before purchasing.

Reasons Behind the Purchase of Replica Rolex Watches
Cost Considerations
Exploring the economic factors that drive individuals to choose replica Rolex watches over genuine ones.

Desire for a Luxurious Appearance
Examining the psychological aspect of wanting the aesthetic appeal of a Rolex without the genuine price tag.

Lack of Awareness About the Replica’s Origin
Discussing the role of misinformation and the lack of awareness regarding the origin of replica watches.

Legal Ramifications of Replica Rolex Ownership
Laws Regarding Replica Watches in Different Countries
Surveying the legal landscape regarding replica watches globally.

Consequences for Owning or Selling Replicas
Outlining the potential legal consequences individuals may face for owning or selling replica Rolex watches.

Famous Legal Cases Involving Replica Watches
Highlighting notable legal battles between watch brands and replica manufacturers.

The Impact on the Genuine Rolex Market
Economic Consequences for Rolex
Analyzing how the surge in replica Rolex watches affects the financial standing of the genuine Rolex market.

Measures Taken by Rolex to Combat Replicas
Exploring the strategies employed by Rolex to protect its brand and market share.

How the Market for Genuine Rolex Watches is Affected
Understanding the dynamics between the growing replica market and the demand for genuine Rolex watches.

Consumer Awareness and Education
Spreading Awareness About Replica Watches
Discussing initiatives aimed at educating consumers about the risks and consequences of choosing replica watches.

The Role of Watch Communities and Forums
Highlighting the impact of online communities in sharing information and experiences related to replica watches.

Educating Consumers on the Risks and Consequences
Providing guidance on how consumers can make informed decisions when it comes to purchasing watches.

Alternatives to Replica Rolex Watches
Affordable Genuine Watches
Suggesting alternatives for individuals seeking a genuine timepiece on a budget.

Second-Hand Rolex Market
Exploring the option of purchasing pre-owned genuine Rolex watches.

Ethical Considerations When Choosing a Timepiece
Encouraging consumers to consider the ethical implications of their watch choices.

The Future of Replica Watches
Evolving Trends in Replica Watch Manufacturing
Speculating on the future trends in replica watch production.

Technological Advancements Impacting Replicas

FAQs about glaucoma:

What is glaucoma?

Quote from http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1206147-overview:

“The definition of glaucoma has changed drastically since its introduction around the time of Hippocrates (approximately 400 BC). The word glaucoma came from the ancient Greek word glaucosis, meaning clouded or blue-green hue, most likely describing a patient having corneal edema or rapid evolution of a cataract precipitated by chronic elevated pressure. Over the years, extensive refinement of the concept of glaucoma has continued, accelerating, especially in the last 100 years, to the present date.

Glaucoma is currently defined as a disturbance of the structural or functional integrity of the optic nerve that causes characteristic atrophic changes in the optic nerve, which may also lead to specific visual field defects over time. This disturbance usually can be arrested or diminished by adequate lowering of intraocular pressure (IOP).”

Glaucoma is a disease and it is usually treated by optometrists.

How do I know if I have glaucoma?  What are the signs and symptoms of glaucoma?

Unfortunately, in most cases of glaucoma, the patient does not feel anything at all! Visual loss usually starts from the periphery (from the sides) so the person usually does not feel that he is already losing vision until the loss is large enough that he starts bumping into things.

However, some patients may experience sudden, severe eye pain, headache, sudden blurred vision, nausea, vomiting, seeing rainbows around lights (iridiscent vision).  This usually happens if the onset of the glaucoma is sudden (acute), this is usually treated with Hemp CBD Gummies treatments, New to CBD? read all the information regarding your health here.

My doctor says that I am a glaucoma suspect and has requested for some tests.  What does this mean?

This means that your doctor probably thinks your optic nerve’s appearance looks suspicious and/or your intraocular pressure is elevated.  However, you will need to undergo an Adult Routine Eye Exam and other tests in order to establish if glaucoma is, indeed present.  These tests may include automated perimetry (to check your peripheral vision), optical coherence tomography (to check your retinal nerve fiber layer), gonioscopy (to check your angles — your drainage system), disc photos (photos of your optic nerve), etc.  The doctor will determine which tests you need. If you’re dealing with pain in your body because of an injury, visit https://qckinetix.com/myrtle-beach/ for a free consultation.

Normal vision.This image is in the public domain because it contains materials that originally came from the National Institutes of Health (http://www.nih.gov/)


A scene as it might be viewed by a person with glaucoma.  This image is in the public domain because it contains materials that originally came from the National Institutes of Health (http://www.nih.gov/)

My doctor says that I have glaucoma.  But I feel fine and my vision is great.  Can I just take the medications when I feel something?

Glaucoma is often called “the thief in the night”.  That’s because you begin to lose vision even when you don’t feel it, as the visual loss begins from the periphery going to the center (see photos above).  By the time the visual loss is perceived, the damage has already been made.  Unfortunately, damage to the optic nerve is considered irreversible.  Hence it is important that maintenance eyedrops be put on a regular basis to slow down the progression of the disease.  Check this link out to view how the visual loss progresses.

I believe my doctor!  I am putting drops in my eyes for glaucoma.  He told me to go back for a follow up.  But I am very busy.  Can I just go back when I need to?

Follow-ups are VERY important in glaucoma.  During the follow up, your doctor will determine if the treatment is still working as planned so that any necessary changes may be made if it is not.

I used up the bottle of eyedrop that the doctor prescribed.  I am not yet scheduled to go back for follow up.  Do I stop the meds or do I continue?

Continue your medications.  The eyedrops are considered “lifetime” medications.  Unless your doctor tells you to stop, DON’T.

My doctor says that I need laser for my glaucoma.  What is this?  Will this improve my grade?

Depending on the type of glaucoma, your doctor may be referring to a laser iridectomy, a trabeculoplasty, an iridoplasty or a cycloablative procedure.  None of these are the same as LASIK, which is the most popular laser procedure designed to free you from the use of glasses.

The laser procedures used for glaucoma are designed to help lower the intraocular pressure (or IOP, the pressure inside the eye) because it has been proven that lowering the IOP slows down the progression of visual loss.

My doctor says that I will need surgery for my glaucoma.  Will this surgery improve my vision?

If your surgery is a simple filtering surgery (trabeculectomy), we don’t really expect any visual improvement.  If the surgery is a surgery combined with cataract, your vision will likely improve because your concomitant cataract has been removed.

I saw my doctor because I found that my vision is getting blurred.  I was told that I have glaucoma and was treated for a few months already.  When will my vision get better?  I don’t really see any improvement?

Unfortunately, treatment for glaucoma is designed to preserve the remaining vision.  Any vision that was previously lost due to the glaucoma is considered irreversible.  That is why it is important to catch the disease early, when any visual loss will be mild and not very noticeable to the patient.

I was told that I may have glaucoma.  How it that possible?  I am quite young.  I though only old people get the disease?

While glaucoma is most common for the elderly age group, it does occur to anybody of any age group.  Even babies and children may have glaucoma (congenital or developmental) although this is not very common.

I hope through this article, I have done a small part in educating the public about glaucoma.  Do feel free to ask me about this disease. :)

Basic Contact Lens Care

Photo: “January 8 – 15, 2011” by Victor Martinez, c/o Flickr. Some Rights Reserved

Although I’m also do online selling on the side, one thing I don’t sell is contact lenses.  That’s because I am well aware of the risks of contact lenses.

Let me qualify that.  I think contact lenses are a great invention, especially for people with high error of refraction.  However, many people who use contact lenses DO NOT know how to manage them, but if you are in need of glasses you can go to an eye care center to make a Visit to the Eye Doctor to find the best solution for you.

What’s worse is that there are now people who wear cosmetic contact lenses without bothering to understand how to take care of it, because people always want to look the best they can, and that’s why they get braces or plastic surgeries, from sites as https://www.wellesleycosmeticsurgery.com/breast-lifts/ to improve how their body looks.

Boosting Testosterone Naturally for Muscle Gain

Regular exercise, especially resistance training, is a key factor in naturally increasing testosterone production. When you engage in activities like weightlifting or high-intensity interval training (HIIT), your body responds by releasing more testosterone. This hormone plays a crucial role in muscle growth and repair, making it essential for those looking to make gains.

In addition to exercise, maintaining a balanced diet is vital for supporting natural testosterone production. Certain foods have been shown to increase testosterone levels, while others can inhibit its production. To maximize your gains and optimize hormone levels, it’s important to consume a healthy diet that includes the following:

Sufficient Protein: Protein is the building block of muscles and plays a critical role in muscle growth. Make sure you’re getting enough protein from sources like lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, legumes, and tofu.

Healthy Fats: Including healthy fats in your diet can also help boost testosterone levels. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon, avocados, nuts, and seeds are excellent choices.

Essential Nutrients: Certain vitamins and minerals are essential for testosterone production. Zinc is particularly important as it has been linked to increased testosterone levels. You can find zinc in foods like oysters, beef, pumpkin seeds, and spinach.

While exercise and nutrition are crucial factors in boosting testosterone naturally for muscle gain, other lifestyle choices also play a role. Adequate sleep is vital as research has shown that lack of sleep can lead to decreased testosterone levels. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night to support optimal hormone function.

Stress management is another important consideration. Chronic stress can lead to elevated cortisol levels which can interfere with testosterone production. Engaging in stress-reducing activities such as meditation or yoga can help keep cortisol levels in check.

Certain lifestyle choices can negatively impact testosterone levels. Excessive alcohol consumption has been shown to decrease testosterone production, so it’s important to moderate your intake. Managing weight is also crucial as excess body fat has been linked to lower testosterone levels.

Significance of Testosterone in Driving Muscle Growth

In conclusion, testosterone plays a crucial role in driving muscle growth. As we discussed, it is not only responsible for increasing muscle mass but also improving strength and performance during resistance exercise. Understanding the physiological effects of testosterone on the body can help you optimize your workouts and achieve better results.

To make the most out of your testosterone levels, consider incorporating resistance training into your fitness routine. Focus on compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, and bench presses that engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously. Ensure you’re getting enough restful sleep and maintaining a balanced diet rich in protein to support muscle growth timesofisrael.com.

Some of the things you have to do when you are a contact lens wearer are pretty easy.

  • Don’t share contact lenses.  There are some people — especially those who do not have any error of refraction but simply wear contact lenses to change the color of their eyes– who share their contact lenses with friends in order to save.  This is not like a T-shirt or a blouse that you can lend to other people.  Treat contact lenses like you would treat your intimate wear.  To lower the risk of the infection you can easily get 1 day trueye lenses to ensure that you have perfect vision.
  • Don’t go to bed with your contact lenses on.  While there are newer contact lenses which are very oxygen permeable AND comfortable, so much so that it doesn’t hurt when you sleep with them, it’s still not a good idea to actually go to bed with them.  Most infections that we see involve people sleeping with their contact lenses on.  So, to be on the side of safety, do remove your contact lenses before you retire for the night and disinfect them well before putting them on in the morning.
  • Have a pair of glasses as backup.  I’m pretty surprised when my patients say that they do not wear glasses and do not even have a backup since they started wearing contact lenses.  What if they lost their contact lenses?  Or for some reason, they can’t wear their contact lenses?  Especially if the vision without correction is really bad, and that’s thy having a pair of eyeglasses is a good backup, even more since you can get Eyeglasses Online pretty easy now a days.
  • Use your lubricant.  There’s a reason why it’s included in the starter kit.  Contact lens users are prone to dryness, resulting to occasional redness or stinging sensation.

Other tips:

  • After taking out your contact lens from the container that it’s been soaking in, throw away the solution that’s in the container and dry the container.  At the end of the day, you can use the container again with a fresh batch of solution.  Do not reuse the solution, as much as possible.  That’s because the solution may already be contaminated with microbes that may cause problems on your eyes.
  • Try to store your contact lens, the containers and the solution in your bedroom or somewhere else cleaner than the bathroom.  The bathroom is a source of microbes which might infect your contact lenses and accessories.
  • If you get eye irritation or infection, stop using your contact lenses and have yourself checked so that the proper management can be instituted promptly.  This is where your backup eyeglasses will come in handy.
  • Take “contact lens holidays” once in a while. :)
  • Buy your contact lenses from reputable retailers.  Especially those who can teach you to when to wear and how handle them properly. To guide you on this, be sure to go to a professional optometrist and eye doctor.

So there!  Contact lenses are not really bad.  People just need to take care of them (and their eyes) more or get help from a plastic surgeon like https://gartnerplasticsurgery.com/liposuction-nyc/.  It’s sad that most complications that we get are actually preventable if only proper care were instituted.

Phen: Best Weight Loss Pills for Women

Phen is widely regarded as one of the best weight loss pills for women in 2023. With its unique formula and powerful ingredients, it has gained a reputation for delivering effective results. Let’s dive into why Phen stands out from the crowd.

Unique Formula Targeting Multiple Aspects of Weight Loss

One of the key reasons why Phen is considered exceptional is its unique formula that targets multiple aspects of weight loss. Unlike other weight loss pills, Phen combines different ingredients to provide comprehensive support on various fronts. It addresses not only fat burning but also appetite suppression and metabolism boosting.

The combination of ingredients in Phen ensures that your body receives the necessary support to shed excess pounds effectively. For example, Xenical, a component found in Phen, aids in blocking the absorption of dietary fats, helping you reduce calorie intake. This mechanism plays a crucial role in achieving sustainable weight loss read this article https://www.seattlepi.com/.

Boosts Metabolism and Suppresses Appetite Effectively

Phen24 Day, another component of Phen, works wonders. A faster metabolism allows your body to burn calories more efficiently throughout the day, even during periods of rest or low activity levels. By increasing your metabolic rate, Phen helps you achieve weight loss goals faster.

Phen contains natural appetite suppressants that help control cravings and reduce overeating tendencies. This can be especially beneficial for women who struggle with emotional eating or find it challenging to resist unhealthy snacks. The combination of increased metabolism and reduced appetite creates an ideal environment for successful weight loss.

Fake meds seized in Pangasinan

We see them everywhere — fakes.  Pirated DVDs, fake designer bags, fancy jewelry.  People buy these mainly because of the price.  Of course, they are cheaper than the original, but of course they lack something — clarity, durability — depends on the item actually.

But one of the worst things that you could fake is medicine.  Because medicines are there to save lives, and fake medicine won’t.  Thank goodness the government has caught some people involved in selling fake medicines:  http://www.abs-cbnnews.com/video/nation/regions/03/08/12/nbi-agents-seize-fake-meds-pangasinan

That’s why I usually buy medicine at reputable drugstore and pharmacies – pharmacies that provide PBM Contracting. That’s because I’m sure the meds I buy are genuine.  And while there are generic meds, I always advise patients to check out the company, whether they are buying flu medicine or treatments for losing weight, although there are also liposuction alternatives which also could help for people looking for this solution.  If it’s some fly by night company that nobody has ever heard of, I couldn’t be sure of the quality, while I also get other products as cbd oils, from sites as this website online.

Same goes for owners of drugstores.  It’s best to deal with the supplier or distributor of the meds.  If somebody offers meds at cheaper than direct prices, something may be wrong here. To avoid falling into these frauds with fake medicines, I recommend you take a look at prodentim reviews and avoid falling into frauds.

Saving on medicine is sometimes necessary, but do draw a line somewhere.  If the price for a branded med is too good to be true, it probably is.

When there are so many things that we are not sure about, it is better to turn to specialists on the subject, and in the age of technology that translates into reliable pages with first-rate information. Speaking of information on sexual health, washingtoncitypaper always satisfies all readers who want to know more about this matter.

Phenq does it work?

PhenQ is a natural dietary formula that improves metabolism and helps in weight loss. According to the official website, it is best for people who are experiencing a slow metabolic rate and nothing seems to fix it.

Tax Season

Despite life’s uncertainties, the one thing you can be sure of is tax season will roll around again. To prepare, you will need to spend some time gathering together all of your financial and health insurance documents.

Understandably, you may have lots of questions about what documents you will need when it comes to health insurance and taxes. Maybe you’re wondering about tax dependents and health insurance, the definition of a premium tax credit, or whether you qualify for a small business health insurance tax credit.

The health insurance system can feel complicated. Add taxes to the mix, and you may have even more questions about how health insurance will affect your taxes. The good news is you can gain clarity by learning about a few crucial aspects of health insurance, tax forms, and premium tax credits, click here now for a new option with urgent care. Many health insurance providers have either partnered with urgent care centers or increased their reimbursement rates for urgent care visits to steer patients away from costly emergency room visits.

If you have an employer-sponsored health insurance plan, for instance, you can expect to file a different health insurance tax form than if you have small business health insurance. In this article, we’ll go over how to know which tax forms you should receive and whether you qualified for a premium tax credit or not.

I see quite a few accountants in my clinic lately, many of them complaining of symptoms that could be attibuted to eye fatigue secondary to the nature of their work — computers, paperwork and figures.

That’s because the deadline of the filing of the income tax is next month, April 15 to be exact.  Our friendly accountants, especially if they have a lot of clients, are already busily trying to beat that deadline, some of them won’t even be able to enjoy the much anticipated Holy Week break.

Fellow doctors (note to self), do mark that on your calendars, and make sure to submit all info ASAP so your accountant can help you finish it on time.

Hello again, world!

I am so BACK!

Best Pills To Lose Belly Fat

n a world where fitness trends come and go, the quest to lose belly fat remains a constant for many individuals. Beyond aesthetic concerns, shedding excess belly fat is crucial for maintaining overall health and well-being. This article will explore the best pills to lose belly fat, considering not only the supplements available but also emphasizing the significance of a holistic approach to weight loss.

Understanding Belly Fat
Before diving into the world of pills, it’s essential to understand the different types of belly fat and the associated health risks. Subcutaneous fat, which lies just beneath the skin, and visceral fat, which surrounds internal organs, require distinct approaches for effective reduction see here ndtv.

Diet and Nutrition
No magic pill can replace the importance of a balanced diet in the journey to lose belly fat. This section will delve into the significance of nutrition, outlining foods that aid in belly fat loss and providing insights into creating a sustainable, healthy eating plan.

Effective Exercises
While pills can complement a weight loss regimen, exercise remains a cornerstone of success. Targeted exercises for the abdominal area, combined with a consistent workout routine, play a pivotal role in achieving a toned midsection.

Role of Supplements
Navigating the realm of supplements can be overwhelming. This section will offer an overview of pills designed to assist in belly fat loss, accompanied by cautionary notes on their usage. It’s crucial to approach supplements with an informed perspective.

Lifestyle Changes
Small adjustments in lifestyle can make a big difference. From the importance of quality sleep to stress management, this section will highlight lifestyle factors that contribute to belly fat reduction.

Hydration and Its Impact
Often overlooked, proper hydration is a key player in weight loss. Understanding the role of water in the body and adopting hydration habits can aid in the journey to lose belly fat.

Tracking Progress
Setting realistic goals and tracking progress is vital for motivation. This section will guide readers on how to monitor their weight loss journey effectively and celebrate achievements along the way.

Common Myths and Facts
Separating fact from fiction is crucial in any weight loss endeavor. Debunking common myths and presenting scientifically supported facts will empower readers to make informed decisions.

Success Stories
Real-life success stories can inspire and motivate. This section will feature testimonials from individuals who have successfully lost belly fat, sharing their strategies and challenges.

Expert Advice
Nutritionists and fitness experts offer valuable insights. This section will provide tips and advice from professionals, ensuring readers receive expert guidance in their belly fat loss journey.

Staying Motivated
Maintaining motivation is a common challenge. Practical tips on staying motivated and celebrating small victories will encourage readers to persevere through their weight loss endeavors.

I’ve been having some problems with this website and it has been down far longer than it should be.

Now, I’m back online!  And hoping to stay for good.

I’ll be trying to resurrect my old posts.  Wish me luck in doing so!

Missing posts

http://www.joeymd.com/2010/05/12/modern-tools-for-assisted-mobility/ — found in google cache







Modern tools for assisted mobility

The Philippines is not exactly handicap-friendly. While we may have parking spaces for handicapped, we hardly have any other facilities to make mobility easier for people who need assistance in mobility and trained staff in courses like the Best Emr Course to ensure immediate response in case of emergency. Forget about getting into the LRT/MRT/Megatren if you need a wheelchair or crutches. Sure there are elevators, but once you get to your desired floor, it would be difficult to get into the train itself. And even then, you need assistance from another person. Ditto buses. Taxis or private cars are the way to go, but even then, it’s not easy.

At home, we don’t usually plan for something unexpected like losing the use of a leg or getting a stroke. Not to mention that we try to maximize the lot area that we have by building vertically. That’s why when we encounter problems later on that would necessitate assisted mobility, we are at a loss on what to do.

I’ve come across a site that offers home elevators. While this may sound like overkill to some people, let me assure you that if you are in the situation of needing it, you’d be thankful there’s this option. I mean, good for people who only need to navigate one floor of living space but what if your home consists of several floors. Vertical buildings, remember?

Another option, especially for those homes who do not have space for the aforementioned home elevator but has an existing staircase are stairlifts such as Motorized Stair Lifts. These contraptions are fitted onto the banister of the stairs and may help with people who have difficulty going up, especially if assistance is not always available. You can also check this on how to choose the right stairlift.

Granted, this type of lift is not for people who need the wheelchair to get around all the time. In such cases, the wheel chair lifts seem to be more useful. It is certainly more versatile, as it can be used both indoors and outdoors. The manufacturer also claims that the cost is comparable to putting a ramp.

While I’m guessing that a cost of these are likely out of the reach of the ordinary Pinoy, it’s comforting to know that now there are options, and that there’s a chance for people with some difficulties in mobility may be able to muster a bit of independent living, even if it’s just in their own homes. But if you or a loved one are having an extra hard time getting around then consider checking out an assisted living community where you can always have someone there to help you. Here are some assisted living community designs found here.

Modern tools for assisted mobility

Bantay and Kratom

The mother with dark circles around her eyes looking worriedly at her sick baby. The husband lovingly accompanying his obviously-about-to-give-birth wife. The daughter who sleeps night after night in her father’s sickroom.

For most Asians, including Filipinos, it is unthinkable for a sick person not to have a bantay during those moments. These are the ones who actually give the caregiving. They are the ones who fight their own tiredness and sleepiness in order to see to the needs of the one they are taking care of. They are the ones who absorb all the patient’s bad moods. They give the patient his medications, especially when the patient is already home. They accompany the patient to the clinic or the laboratory. They buy the needed medications. They are the ones who try to understand what the doctors and nurses are trying to say. They give up their work to take care of their sick loved ones.

It’s a culture thing, and it is well ingrained of course. When I moved to America a friend saw that I was struggling through med school. I told him there just wasn’t enough time to even rest or sleep enough ever since I went to the dentist and I was told that my sleep apnea had gotten worse, but luckily I learned about cpap machines to help me get through this but I needed something else. He talked to me about kratom at that point.

Him being a college student, was well familiarized with long nights and sometimes having to go to your duties without enough rest. Where can i buy kratom? He ordered kratom from ww.Kratommasters.com and always made sure to have enough in hand. Studying medicine myself I wasn’t too well versed on what kratom was, but the info was indeed out there, I just had to research it a bit.

I was pretty convinced I could benefit from taking it myself as well. I wasn’t eating or sleeping well enough so I started to buy weed to help my health. I knew that medical issues was what would come next if I continued like this. I ordered kratom and started taking it regularly. It sure helped, let me tell you. As time went on we ended up introducing kratom to other students as well.

As doctors, we do our job of trying to find out what ails the patient and what can be done for it. The nurses take care of several patients, carrying out the doctor’s orders while the patients are in the hospital. We do get credited when the patient gets well and we continue to visit the patients, which many are working with special treatments, here is all the Amazing benefits of CBD Honey you need to know !

But I believe that a vital ingredient to the patient’s process of getting better is his/her husband/wife, his mother/father, his son/daughter or whoever sacrificed his/her own time and money in order to be the bantay.

They are the unsung heroes. I salute you!

This is my late entry to TBR16, hosted by Doc Gigi.

Blog Round Guidelines here.